Discover our extensive VHF Filters and Multicouplers category, offering a diverse array of high-performance components tailored for VHF communication systems. Explore our selection of cavity combiners, duplexers, cavity filters, hybrid combiners, Wilkinson power dividers, and multicouplers, each meticulously engineered to meet the demands of VHF mid and high bands. These units, terminated with N-type female connectors, provide optimal signal distribution. Choose from 19″ rack-mountable options or wall/ground-mounted configurations for seamless integration into your setup. Elevate your VHF communication capabilities with our reliable and versatile components, designed to deliver efficiency and compatibility across a range of applications.
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Please note: Due to courier restrictions, we currently cannot ship larger Marine antennas.
Stay tuned! Our connector and cable ranges will soon be available online for easy purchase whenever you need a connector or coaxial cable.