4-way power divider (specify C/F, 25% bandwidth, -26 dB) (N-female, 4 x N-female)

4-way scaled broadband power divider, specify centre frequency and 25% at -26 dB, N-type female input/outputs, 500W - incl. mount clamps

Product code: PD2-NN4

Power dividers or power splitter are designed to allow multiple antenna's to be mounted in a stack phased array configuration to increase gain and reduce signal beamwidth, whilst maintaining optimum performance. ZCG recommend utilising a power divider in broadcast installations or sensitive communications systems where VSWR, reflected power and noise/interference is critical. Matching a power divider splitter with a cavity notch filter or cavity bandpass filter will greatly improve signal performance and remove unwanted interference.



30-1000 MHz


Specify 25% bandwidth and centre frequency or Tx/Rx when ordering


Factory at 1.1:1 VSWR


50 Ohms - nominal

Maximum Power

500 Watts - max. input


Install with single N-type female input facing down


Painted brass outer, solid brass innerline and nickel plated terminations


Input: N-female Output: 4 x N-female

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