The S3B44-1C-X is a custom manufactured broadband UHF dipole array with a mount plate and joining cable for a top mounted collinear. The S3B44-1C-X suits for mounting directly onto a roof or any flat horizontal surface by securing through the mount plate. There are 3 cables for the individual dipoles and a single cable for joining your top mounted collinear.
400-520 MHz - UHF, TETRA, LMR and GRN compatible
Full frequency range stated - 120 MHz
1.5 dBd per dipole - can be phased together
Factory at 1.5:1 VSWR
50 Ohms
250 Watts
Welded aluminium boom, mount plate and dipole stand-offs, 3 x folded dipoles, 4 x external RU400 cables and external N-female connectors. 1x through antenna cable
N-type female per dipole and N-male for collinear join
Height: 4.33m, Mount plate: 200mm x 200mm
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