The Y815-DP 15 element dual polarised UHF Yagi will require your specific 30MHz bandwidth within the UHF 800-960MHz frequency range. The dual polarised configuration allows for a minimum -25dB of isolation between polarisations, resulting in minimal interference on both signals.
800-960 MHz - Lower 4G cellular and ISM compatible
Specify any 60 MHz within frequency range
14 dBd - per plane
Factory at 1.5:1 VSWR
50 Ohms - nominal
100 Watts - per input
Horizontal and Vertical, can be +/-45 with appropriate clamp
Minimum -25dB between polarisations
Welded aluminium SHS boom and dual pol. elements, detachable dual pol. dipole, external cables and dual terminations
N-type female fitted to two external coaxial cable as standard or specify termination requirements
Length: 2.3m, Boom: 25mm RHS
11.973kg, 0.117kN
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