Our ZAU-GPSWL-5 low profile multiband cellular and GPS antenna can be used for L1 GPS, duaband Wi-Fi and 4G LTE as well as dualband 4G mobile phone applications, such as vehicle tracking + cellular/wireless data transfer. The ZAU-GPSWL-5 is designed for through-roof mounting onto a vehicle or heavy-equipment but can also be fixed location mounting onto your structure or at home/office. The shark-fin design reduces wind-loading and visual factor whilst maintaining effective performance across all stated frequency ranges.
698-960, 1710-2170 & 2300-2700 MHz - 4G LTE + dualband 4G ; L1 GPS 1575.42 MHz ; WiFi: 2.4 + 5.2GHz
Mobile phone: Full frequencies stated ; L1 GPS: +/- 5MHz ; WiFi: Full frequencies stated
GPS: 27 dB ; Cellular 6.1 dBi ; WiFi/WLAN 3.3 dBi
Factory - Cellular: 2.0:1 ; L1 GPS: 1.5:1 ; WiFi: 2.15:1
50 Ohms
10 Watts
Mobile phone: Linear, GPS: RHCP, WiFi: Linear Vertical
Black ABS shark-fin radome and 3 x 5.0m RG174 bottom exit from antenna
No connectors fitted as standard, specify SMA, SMB, SMC, BNC, FME, TNC, MCX, MMCX when ordering for all cables (3)
Length: 85mm, Height: 41.5mm
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