The Y409-DP 9 element dual polarised UHF Yagi will require your specific 20MHz bandwidth within the UHF 380-520MHz frequency range. A cross polarised version including a 90 degree phased shift phasing harness are also available, see Y400-CP.
380-520 MHz - UHF, TETRA, LMR and GRN compatible
Specify 20 MHz within frequency range when ordering per dipole
11.5 dBd
Factory at 1.5:1 VSWR
50 Ohms
44° @ 3dbd - per plane
36° @ 3 dBd - per plane
150 Watts
Mount horizontal or vertical as required
Minimum -25dB between polarisations
Welded corrosion resistant aluminium boom and dual pol elements, 2 x 90° offset folded dipoles, 2 x 250mm external RG59 cable tails with 2 x N-female connectors
2 x N-type female fitted to cable
Length: 1.7m, Widest element: 400mm, Boom: 25mm RHS
11.454kg ; 0.112kN
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