Designed especially for the 380-520 MHz UHF the Y415B2-DMHB-SS dual Yagi antenna array antenna is suitable as a high gain link or applications that require greater gain and better performance compared to a single antenna. The Y415B2-DMHB-SS dual Yagi array antenna is horizontally polarised and horizontally (bayed) mounted.
380-520 MHz - UHF, TETRA, LMR and GRN compatible
Specify any 20 MHz within frequency range when ordering
17 dBd
Factory at <1.5:1 VSWR
50 Ohms
100 Watts
Horizontally polarised and horizontal mounted - bayed
Welded 304 grade stainless steel booms and brace support tube, detachable folded dipoles, external coaxial phasing harness and N-female connector
N-type female fitted to phasing harness output/input
Length: 2.5, Longest element: 560mm
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