The ZAW-WiFi-4S is designed and manufactured for WiFi 2.4-2.5GHz applications inside a low profile construction for Automatic Vehicle Location (A.V.L.). The low profile design reduces opportunity of damage or vandalism.
2.4-2.5 GHz - WiFi/WLAN & ISM2.4 compatible
Full frequency range
0 dBi
Factory at <2:1 VSWR
50 Ohms
360° omnidirectional ± 0.5 dBd
10 Watts
Black ABS sealed 'hockey-puck' radome, adhesive mount pad, 3m external RG174A/U cable and Fakra Type N connector
Fakra type N pastel green 6019
Diameter: 64.5mm Height: 19.5mm
Australian Owned & Manufactured, High Quality RF Solutions Since 1970
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