The ZW312H-BLK fibreglass whip is designed for 27MHz HF communications for your boat, car, caravan or truck. The 5/16"-26 brass female thread will require a male 5/16"-26 brass mounting base such as the OB-4.7, MGB-OB or OB-2. For optimum performance mount the antenna as high as possible on your vehicle or vessel with a metallic surface beneath the mount acceessory to ensure a true omni-directional signal path.
27 MHz - HF CB Radio communications
2.1 dBi - suits hilly terrain, CBD locations
Factory at 1.5:1 VSWR
50 Ohms
360° omnidirectional ± 0.5 dBd
25 Watts
Black heatshrunk coil wound whip and chrome plated mount ferrule
5/16"-26 brasss female thread in base of ferrule
Height: 640mm, Mount thread: 5/16"-26 brass female thread
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